10 November 2007

Strike Two

Another sector of the entertainment industry has been nailed by strike fever: Broadway shut down when stagehands went out on strike, according to AP reports. The rhetoric is similar, but he constituencies are very different, I'd suspect.

Ellen Degeneres has pissed off the head of WGA East by returning to work after honoring picket lines for a day. Degeneres is a member of the WGA, but also of the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists, which supported her move. Ellen's producers have sniped back, but ultimately this seems like small beer to me. It's the weekend, people, what do you want?

Not surprisingly, news has slowed somewhat since the first day of the strike. Next week, I'll be doing some research, and attempting to bring my three loyal readers a primer on the players: The American Motion Picture and Television Producers, WGA West, and the supposedly more-militant WGA East. Look for those (hopefully) Tuesday-Friday. Of course, I will continue to bring news updates as well.

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