07 November 2007

Joss Whedon Chimes In

Joss Whedon is perhaps the greatest living television writer. He created the classics Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, and like any genius worth his salt, has one project (the latelamented Firefly) that died before its time. He's worn many hats on television and in film -- he's written for sitcoms (Roseanne), written movies both great (Toy Story) and, well, less so (the original Buffy the Vampire Slayer), directed television and one woefully under-exposed movie (Serenity, a spinoff of Firefly), and produced two shows. He's got a new show in the queue for spring . . . assuming the strike is over by then. Until then, as he said last week, he's "not picking up a pencil". Over on whedonesque.com, a blog dedicated to Whedon-related news, Joss Whedon has chimed in.

It's occurred to me that the links I've posted so far have been overwhelmingly pro-union, so I'll be adding a link to the Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers, the coalition of studios and networks that negotiates with the Writers Guild of America.

1 comment:

K said...

Oh man!

"Additionally, I've been told that Steve Carell informed NBC he is unable to report to work because he is suffering from 'enlarged balls.' Not just enlarged, I'd say, but brass ones. The source on this one adds, 'We wish him a happy, slow recovery.'"

From United Hollywood

Enlarged balls!